HIPAA, NIST, CIS v8, GDPR, FTC Safeguards

Compliance Management

Compliance is an ongoing, time-consuming, up-at-dawn responsibility. Share the risks and responsibilities of compliance management with the experts at LevCo Technologies.

We Can Help

Stress-Free Compliance Management Services

We offer comprehensive compliance assessments for multiple frameworks.

From PHI safeguards to backup and data recovery, we understand the technology required to successfully support complicated compliance standards.

compliance management

Risk analysis

We begin with an initial risk assessment. Careful examination of your current state helps us identify potential vulnerabilities. Routine assessments are performed thereafter to maintain regulation adherence.

compliance management

Security upgrades & patches

Firewalls, antivirus software and other security measures keep your network and devices safe, secure and fraud resistant.

compliance management

Access controls

Good compliance includes well-documented and strictly enforced access controls. Ensure the right people can access the right data in accordance with their role.

compliance management

Data backup & recovery

We’ll build a thorough backup and recovery strategy in keeping with industry standards. Rest easy knowing your data is replicated and recoverable.

compliance management

Document management

We know HIPAA compliance. Safeguard PHI with robust document management systems covering everything from storage to management to encryption. This extends to electronic health records (EHR) systems.

compliance management

Staff training

The large majority of data breaches are due to human error. We take the time to regularly educate your team on how compliance applies to their role and best practices to maintain good standing.

compliance as a service

Risk analysis

We begin with an initial risk assessment. Careful examination of your current state helps us identify potential vulnerabilities. Routine assessments are performed thereafter to maintain regulation adherence.

compliance as a service

Access controls

Good compliance includes well-documented and strictly enforced access controls. Ensure the right people can access the right data in accordance with their role.

managed service provider

Document management

We know HIPAA compliance. Safeguard PHI with robust document management systems covering everything from storage to management to encryption. This extends to electronic health records (EHR) systems.


Security upgrades & patches

Firewalls, antivirus software and other security measures keep your network and devices safe, secure and fraud resistant.

Data backup & recovery

We’ll build a thorough backup and recovery strategy in keeping with industry standards. Rest easy knowing your data is replicated and recoverable.

managed service provider

Staff training

The large majority of data breaches are due to human error. We take the time to regularly educate your team on how compliance applies to their role and best practices to maintain good standing.

“Just because you subscribe to a cloud-based EHR does not mean that you are HIPAA compliant. While the EHR itself might be compliant, many layers need to be looked at within your organization outside of the EHR.”

– Forbes

Reach Out & Request a Meeting

Let us get to know your business and discuss how we can help.

# of days our clients have been able to leave work early for a round of golf

# of good laughs had

# of days Simon has been caught napping on the job
Malcare WordPress Security